
Below are links to a few  assistive technologies and apps which have been helpful to students for reading, writing, note-taking, studying, and staying organized.  These technologies are mostly low cost or free, and several are provided free of charge by the university.

NOTE: This is not an exhaustive list of all technologies available, so students are encouraged to explore the technologies that best meet their needs.

Assistive Technology 

There are a variety of assistive technologies available to help with reading, writing, note-taking, studying, and staying organized.  Some technologies are provided free of charge through the Office of Information Technology Services  and others are available for a nominal fee.  This is not an exhaustive list of all technologies available, so students are encouraged to explore the technologies that best meet their needs.


NOTE: Windows and Mac offer a variety of built-in accessibility features that can also help with reading, writing, and distractions.  Learn more below: