FAQ: Students


Testing Services is located at 97 N. Razorback Road which is on the corner of Meadow Street and Razorback Road (across from the Razorback football practice field) on the University of Arkansas campus. Find the building on the University Campus Map.


Student Permit  and Metered Parking Lots are around Testing Services.  See Test Day Parking for more details.  

Using your Test Accommodations

Every semester, you are responsible for requesting accommodation letters to send to your instructors so that you can work out the details of how accommodations will be implemented for that class. 

  • To send your Faculty Notification Letter(s), complete the following steps:
    • Step 1: Sign into CEA Student Login using your UARK credentials. 

      • Note: If this is your first-time requesting accommodations, you may need to sign eForm agreements in the section at the top of the page titled, “Required Forms.”

    • Step 2: Scroll down. Select check box in front of each course you would like to request accommodation letters for.  Then, Continue to Customize Your Accommodations.

    • Step 3: Select the accommodation(s) you want to request then Submit. 

      • Note: To utilize test accommodations, select the group heading labeled “Accessible Testing/Quizzes.” All of your testing accommodations will be listed on the faculty notification letter. 

    • Step 5: Contact your instructor(s) to determine how your accommodations will be implemented in their course(s).

No, you are not required test with Testing Services to receive exam accommodations. Instructors should strive to facilitate accommodations within their academic department to provide instructor access to students with disabilities during exams, per APS 1520.20Testing Services is primarily used for proctoring more complex test accommodations for in-class exams (i.e., assistive technology or alternative formats).

You should first contact your instructor to determine how exam accommodations are facilitated in their course(s) and, when applicable, the time parameters for scheduling with Testing Services. 

Please relay any potential scheduling conflicts to your instructor(s) in order to identify a time you can test with your accommodations that does not conflict with your other courses. Contact Testing Services (testing@uark.edu) if you still have scheduling conflicts/concerns.  

No. It is your choice on which (if any) test accommodations you use. However, it is  important to remember that accommodations are not retroactive.  Additionally, some test accommodations may not be applicable or appropriate, depending on the specific course/exam.

Be sure to contact your instructor at least 1 week before your exam to discuss the specific test accommodations you want to use and how they will be facilitated.  

Scheduling Exam Appointments with Testing Services 

Many instructors plan to facilitate test accommodations within their department. Please first contact you instructor(s) to determine how accommodations are implemented in their course(s) before scheduling your exam!

While we anticipate changes to the accommodated exam scheduling process in the future, at this time and when applicable, you will continue scheduling your exams via your CEA Student Profile, following the instructions below. 

  1. Login to CEA Student Profile, using your uark e-mail and password. 
  2.  On the left panel, click,  Accessible Testing/Quizzes.

  3.  Using the drop-down menu, select the course and Schedule an Exam.

  4.  In “Exam Detail,” select the type of exam you are taking and the date/time you wish to schedule an appointment.

    • Note: You should discuss the acceptable time parameters for scheduling with your instructor(s) prior to submitting a request. If possible, please select a time that overlaps with your class time.

  • Step 5: Select the accommodations you would like to use on your exam and any required technology before clicking, “Add Exam Request.”

Note: Test Center capacity is limited, and exam requests are processed on a first come, first-served basis. Exam requests should be submitted 3 to 7 days business days in advance. Late exam requests will be considered on case-by-case basis. 

Please contact Testing Services at testing@uark.edu or 479-575-3948 with any questions or further assistance with scheduling your exam. 


Exams should be scheduled within the time parameters previously discussed with and agreeable to your instructor(s).  Additionally, exams should be scheduled at a time that does not conflict with your other courses. 

Please contact your instructor and Testing Services (testing@uark.edu) with any scheduling concerns as soon as possible to ensure appropriate arrangements are made prior to the exam date.

To cancel or modify your exam appointment, please complete the following steps:

  1.  Login to your CEA Student Profileusing your UARK credentials.

  2.  On the left panel, click “Accessible Testing Quizzes” and find the exam appointment you wish to modify.

  3. To reschedule your exam, click Modify Request. To cancel your appointment, click Cancel Request.

Note: Appointment modifications must be approved by Test Center staff.  Please monitor your uark e-mail for status updates regarding your request.

Contact testing@uark.edu with questions/concerns or for assistance modifying your appointment. 


There are several factors that could be the source of this issue. Please consider the following possibilities:

  • Have you requested your Accessible Testing/Quiz Accommodations for the course? Refer to the Request Accommodation Letters for instructions.  

  • Have you checked with your instructor to confirm that Testing Services is needed? If not, your test accommodations may be facilitated outside of Testing Services (ex: remotely or by your instructor).  Contact your instructor(s) to discuss how accommodations are facilitated in their course(s).
  • The date is entered incorrectly. Please also ensure you have correctly formatted the date of the appointment as MM/DD/YYY (e.g., 01/01/2021 instead of 1/1/21).

  • The time selected is outside of our parameters. For your safety, you may only schedule an appointment at one (1) of the following time blocks:

    • Summer:

      • Monday – Friday: 8:30am, 9:30am, 10:30am, 11:30am, 12:30pm, 1:30pm, 2:30pm.

  • Contact the Test Center at testing@uark.edu or 479-575-3948 if the issue persists.

Incomplete/previous semester course: Please contact Testing Services at testing@uark.edu or 479-575-3948 if you need to schedule a make-up exam for a course you are not currently enrolled in (ex: incomplete).

Current semester course: Select Make-Up exam when scheduling your exam via your CEA Student Profile. Specify the specific exam you are needing to take in the notes section when scheduling.

On Test Day

If testing at the Test Center, please report any exam-related questions to Test Center Staff and they will relay your question to your instructor.

For online exams taken remotely, please contact your instructor(s) prior to the exam date to discuss their preferred method of contact (e.g., email, phone, etc.).

If you are testing with Testing Services, please bring the following materials:

  • Your University student ID card.

  • Any materials required to complete your exam (e.g., scantron, blue book, formula sheet, pencil, pen, etc.).

All non-medical technology must be removed, silenced, and placed in your bag while testing. Any materials not approved by your instructor are prohibited during the exam.

Online Exams

Global Campus students or students with online exams taken outside of class will likely not need to schedule exams with Testing Services, as most test accommodations can be facilitated in online environment.

Contact your instructor at least one (1) week before an exam to determine how accommodations will be facilitated in their course and contact the CEA with any questions or concerns.

Students can identify their own distraction-reduced testing environment and instructors can program extended time in Blackboard.

The ReadSpeaker (RS) App in Blackboard includes text-to-speech and magnification and is currently available to all students. No downloads necessary.

Please contact Testing@uark.edu  with any questions or concerns. 

Communicate to your instructor the specific accommodations you want to use before the exam  (1 week recommended).  Your instructor will then submit an Accommodation Request Form to global campus to ensure ProctorU is notified of your accommodation(s). 

Please visit Testing Your Equipment prior to each exam to ensure the compatibility of any equipment and/or software.

On exam day - remind the Proctor of your accommodations and (if applicable) any assistive technology being used.

If technology issues arise while testing online, please contact your instructor immediately and/or University IT Help Desk.

There are several options across campus, both distraction-reduced and public, for you to consider completing your exams and coursework: 

  • Mullins Library: Study and collaboration rooms are available on the third (3rd) and fourth (4th) floors of Mullins Library. For availability and reservations, visit Mullins Library: Room Reservation System. 
  • Student Technology Center: The Student Technology Center is located on the third (3rd) floor of the Arkansas Union and has private rooms available to reserve for students needing a distraction-reduced environment. For equipment checkout and room reservations, visit ReserveIt. 
  • Public spaces: There are public study spaces across campus in various buildings (Mullins Library, Arkansas Union, Chemistry, etc.). Please note: such areas will not guarantee a distraction-reduced testing environment. If you’re interested in reviewing these spaces, consider the following link: Study Spaces at the University of Arkansas.

While most assistive software can be utilized, some assistive software applications are not compatible with certain online exam programs.  Please review the information below and contact the CEA at ada@uark.edu or 479-575-3104  if you still have questions/concerns.  

  • Respondus Lockdown Browser: Most assistive software is still accessible within lockdown browser, with the exception of Read&Write for Mac Users. 

  • ReadSpeaker TextAid Tool can be used to read aloud any webbased content (within or outside of Blackboard) 


  • Blackboard Exams: If the time shown on your exam is not correct, do not begin the exam. Contact your instructor and the CEA Immediately.
  • ProctorU: Students must request their accommodations each semester by providing a Faculty Notification Letter (FNL) to the instructor of each course they want to implement their accommodations in.
  • Please remind your instructor of your accommodations at least one (1) week prior to the exam date.
  • If you have already completed these steps, do not begin the exam. Contact your instructor and the CEA at ada@uark.edu or 479-575-3104 immediately.

Please see a Test Center staff member if you experience any technology or connection issues while testing with Testing Services. We will determine next steps based on the issues being experienced.

For online/remote exams, please contact your instructor immediately and/or University IT Help Desk.

Assistive Technology (AT)

Assistive technology (AT) includes products, equipment, and systems that enhance learning, working, and daily living for persons with disabilities. The University has a variety of free assistive technologies (AT) available to all faculty, staff, and students, including text-to-speech, screen-reader & magnification, and more. To download assistive technology, visit Get Software. For technical support, contact University IT Services via help.uark.edu or phone (479-575-2905).

Students requiring the use of assistive technology for in-class exams will likely need to schedule with Testing Services.  Contact  your instructor and testing@uark.edu as soon as possible  to ensure appropriate arrangements are made.


Text-to-Speech software converts digital text (i.e., words on smartphones, tablets, and computers) into speech for users to listen to.

  • ReadSpeaker (RS): ReadSpeaker is a built-in app within Blackboard featuring text-to-speech, enlarged font/text, screen masking, and more. Voice options include English, German, Spanish, and French. No downloads necessary. 


  • Read&Write (R&W): Read&Write functions both in and out of Blackboard and features text-to-speech, screen masking, text highlight, and more. To download Read&Write, visit Get Started with Read&Write. 
    • Respondus & Mac Devices: R&W is NOT functional within Respondus for Mac users, specifically. Mac users are encouraged to try ReadSpeaker when Respondus is required and/or contact the CEA for assistance identifying other options.  
    • Respondus & Windows Devices: R&W can be used within Respondus for Windows users only, but R&W must be opened before opening Respondus.


CEA Staff are available for consult regarding AT software. All technical support questions should be directed to University IT Services via help.uark.edu or their phone line at +1-479-575-2905.

Speech-to-text software converts human speech into digital text (i.e., words on smartphones, tablets, and computers).

  • The Test Center has computers equipped with Dragon, a speech-to-text software. Students needing to use this software will likely need to test at Testing Services.   
  • Dictate text in all Microsoft 365 Applications (e.g., MS Word, OneNote, Outlook, etc.) using Microsoft’s Dictation Tool. 
  • Talk & Type feature in Read&Write allows you to control your computer through speech recognition. Speech can be detected through your computer’s microphone, a microphone connected to your computer, or a headset. 
  • MAC Voice ControlYou can dictate text and speak commands to edit text, navigate the desktop and apps, and control your Mac, performing tasks such as scrolling in a document or pressing a button. 

CEA Staff are available for consult regarding AT software. All technical support questions should be directed to University IT Services via help.uark.edu or their phone line at +1-479-575-2905. 

Screen-reading software converts digital text (i.e., words on smartphones, tablets, and computers) into human speech for users to listen to. Magnification allows users to zoom in on the screen for better viewing.  

  • JAWS Fusion: Fusion is a Windows-only application that combines ZoomText and JAWS, a screen magnifier and screen-reader, respectively. Visit Get Software to submit an IT request to download Fusion. 
  • NVDA: NVDA is a Windows-only screen-reading software. To download NVDA, visit Get Started with NVDA. 

CEA Staff are available for consult regarding AT software. All technical support questions should be directed to University IT Services via help.uark.edu or their phone line at +1-479-575-2905.


While the CEA does not offer tutoring services, the Student Success Center  provides tutoring, supplemental instruction, workshops, courses and videos to all students with the desire to realize their academic potential.   The Math Resource and Teaching Center (MRTC) also offers free tutoring in mathematics and statistics.  

Please refer to the University's Academic Support webpage  for addtional resources!