Faculty Guidance

What to Know

  • Through Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), students with disabilities are ensured equal access to an education, including exam accommodations. The CEA collaborates with students, instructors, and campus testing centers to ensure accessible testing experiences. 

  • Per APS 1520.20 faculty are responsible for making arrangements to facilitate standard test accommodations (e.g., extended time, distraction-reduced testing environment, brief breaks, etc.) within their department in order to provide instructor access to students with disabilities during exams. 

  • Students are required to inform their instructors of their accommodations each semester by requesting an accommodation letter to be sent via email. Faculty are required to provide exam accommodations to eligible students.

    • Once accommodation letter  is received, contact the student to discuss exam format, accommodations needed, and how test accommodations will be implemented. 

  • QUICK TIP: Anticipate at least 10% of students in each course section will be eligible for test accommodations.  Faculty with 50 or more students should strongly consider assessment methods that minimize need for standard accommodations such as extended time (ex: take-home tests, written assignments, presentations/projects) OR online exams taken remotely with a flexible exam window for all students.   

  • CEA Staff are available for consultation and guidance, to ensure student accommodations are appropriately implemented. From programming extended time to identifying departmental test spaces, we are here to help! Feel free to email us at ada@uark.edu or contact us directly via phone at (479) 575-3104

Providing In-Class Exam Accommodations 

  • Step 1: Identify a quiet space and proctor within your academic department to facilitate standard accommodations. Distraction-reduced testing environments can include empty classrooms, vacant offices, conference rooms, etc. 

    • Note:  25Live Pro is the classroom and event scheduling tool used by the Office of the Registrar. 

  • Step 2: Once accommodation letter is received, contact the student to discuss how their accommodations will be facilitated in your course.

    • Note: Students are not required to disclose medical details, such as their diagnoses, to instructors. We recommend discussing accommodations with students in a private, one-on-one setting during office hours or by appointment.

  • Step 3: Use the *** Broken a:283275 cea: CEA Faculty Login *** to view and manage student accommodations. 

CEA Staff are available for consultation and guidance.  Feel free to email us at ada@uark.edu or contact us directly via phone at (479) 575-3104.

Need Help Proctoring Accommodated In-Class Exams?  

  • The Office of Testing Services, a unit of the Graduate School & International Education, operates in accordance with APS 1520.20 to assist faculty by proctoring in-class accommodated exams. 

  • The CEA serves as a liaison and works collaboratively with Testing Services to ensure reasonable test accommodations are appropriately implemented to aid in the University's commitment to providing students equitable access to university programs and services. 

  • To request proctoring services through Testing Services,  complete one testing agreement per course using link provided in the student's accommodation letter or via your CEA Faculty Login

  • Please contact Testing Services with questions/concerns or for more information on their processes and services



Providing Global Campus and Online Exam Accommodations  

  • The most common test accommodations (ex: 1.5x / 2x extra time) can be easily facilitated in an online environment. 

  • Pro-actively program extended time into Blackboard upon receipt of student accommodation letter.

  • Communicate the following to students before their exam: when the exam starts, how long they have to complete it, and when it must be submitted.

    • Note: Please ensure the Blackboard timer showcases the accurate amount of time allotted. Visit Blackboard Tips for step-by-step instructions or contact tips@uark.edu for assistance.

  • Please contact your students to discuss how accommodations will be facilitated in your course and contact the CEA with any questions or concerns.

  • Please be aware of compatibility when using  Lockdown Browsers / 3rd-party proctoring services for accommodated exams, as some assistive software may not be compatible or accessible. 

    • Note: ReadSpeaker (RS): is a built-in app in Blackboard that's available to all faculty, staff, and students. It functions within Respondus for both Mac and Windows users. 

  • Contact your student to discuss any potential barriers and the CEA with any questions/concerns or for assistance.

ProctorU Exams:

  • Submit an   Accommodation Request Form to notify Global Campus  of each student's test accommodation. Global Campus will provide accommodation notice to ProctorU.

  • When applicable, program their extended time in blackboard. Global Campus will provide accommodation notice to ProctorU.

  • Be prepared to answer student questions/concerns.  Please inform your students how to best reach you during exams.

  • Contact gproctor@uark.edu and  ada@uark.edu  with any questions/concerns about providing accommodations for online exams! 


Additional Resources