Enabling every student to have equitable access to our full range of programs and services.
CEA Group Counseling Sessions begin Feb 12!
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- Accommodated Testing
- Request Your Accommodation Letters
- Request Document Conversion and Accessible Course Materials
Notetaking Support
Faculty Resources
Policy and Forms
Calendar of events for Disability Awareness Month (Oct 1 - 31):
- 10/02/24 - OEOC webinar - presented by the EEOC - Veteran Focused Approach to the ADA. 12pm-1pm
- 10/03/24- Sources Accessible Voting
- 10/07/24- CAPS National Depression Screening Day 9am-12pm Union Connections Lounge
- 10/08/24 – OEOC webinar - presented by UA Partners for Inclusion: Proactive Strategies for Building a Disability-Inclusive Workplace. 10am-11am
- 10/10/24- Democracy Fellows RSO – Voting Plan Event 11am-2pm Union Mall
- 10/16/24 – OEOC Webinar - presented by the Job Accommodation Network (JAN)- Accommodating Educational Professionals: Meeting Workplace Needs with Assistive Technology (AT). 9am-10am
- 10/18/24 - UREC in colaboration with U.S. Amputee Football Federation: UREC/Amputee Soccer Event and UREC Sports Complex at 5pm.
- 10//22/24 - Disabilities Resource Fair - CEA in collaboration with SOURCES for Community Independent Living from 10am-1pm Union Connections Lounge
- 10/24/24- Democracy Fellows RSO – Voting Plan Event 11am-2pm Union Mall
- 10/30/24 - U of A Disability Awareness Awards at ARKU 507-511, 11am to 1pm. Opening video remarks by noted disability rights and independent living leader, Lex Rrieden Awardees will be celebrated and presented awards. Beverages and appetizers will be awarded.
- 10/30/24- Wheelchair Basketball with Ozark Adaptive Sports 5pm at HPER Gym 1
Free External Disability Awareness Webinars:
October 22: Disability:IN – Advancing Disability Inclusion in the Legal Profession; 12pm – 1pm
October 23: AgrAbility – Farming Like It’s 2024: Equipment and Tech. for Disabled Farmers; 2pm – 3pm